Editor’s blog – the challenge is urgent, but innovation is rapid

Fleet Vision International, Spring 2022, has been published.

Fleet Vision International – THE SHOW preview

International case studies, the latest research, and practical examples of initiatives in action dominate the programme at the first Fleet Vision International – THE SHOW conference on April 13 2022. Ann-Marie Knegt reports.


The industrial vehicle sector is an inspiring place to be right now. Manufacturers are pushing the pace of product development to harness the latest technologies to bring the vehicles and machinery of the future to market.

Fleet Vision International magazine Winter 2022 is out now!

eading stories on Fleet Vision International – THE SHOW, OWL Wales Live, international sweeper profile, NYPD fleet, hydrogen HGVs, a new cab for waste trucks, rebated fuel legislation update, new vehicle launches, international case studies, emissions reduction, transitional technology, air quality updates and science, news and comments, and much more.

Editor’s Blog: With great adversity comes great opportunity

Last year was certainly not easy for anyone. The pressures of
the pandemic mounted up, putting an unprecedented strain
on critical fleet service delivery organisations and the vehicle industry as a whole. The global supply chain shortage put pressure on manufacturers, increasing vehicle build and lead times. The industry will have to deal with the consequences of this worldwide issue for many years to come. At the same time, we have to deal with the driver and mechanic shortage, further impacting service delivery.

EPA finalises greenhouse gas standards for passenger vehicles, paving the way for a zero-emissions future

e Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US is finalising the most ambitious federal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks ever. 

Granville Eco Park accelerates switch to biomethane in Northern Ireland

Granville Eco Park is accelerating the switch to cleaner fuelling and bio-methane fleets in Northern Ireland and championing the circular economy through its smart loops movement.

Announcing Fleet Vision International – THE SHOW!

ion International is delighted to announce the launch of Fleet Vision International – THE SHOW, the international conference and exhibition promoting excellence in frontline fleet and essential services, which will take place at the London Guildhall on February 4, 2022.

Fleet Vision International magazine Autumn 2021 is out now!

The sixth issue of the thought-leading publication for front-line fleet operations and essential services has been published. Read your copy today, and don’t hesitate to share it with colleagues. 

Southampton City Council keeps streets clean and quiet with the new eSwingo

ampton City Council sees electrifying results from its fleet of four new all-electric eSwingo compact sweepers from Aebi Schmidt UK. The sweepers are making a vital contribution to meeting the Council’s environmental objectives under its Greener City Charter.