Nottingham City Council aims for carbon neutral target with seven new eSwingos 

Nottingham City Council has ordered seven fully electric eSwingo compact sweepers from Aebi Schmidt as it works towards its target of becoming the UK’s first carbon-neutral city. Nottingham City Council has set a deadline of 2028 to achieve its net…

Transport Minister and Mayor of Tees Valley witness hydrogen refuelling of the Electra eCargo FCEV

Trudy Harrison, Minister of State for Transport and Ben Houchen, Mayor of Tees Valley, were the first senior politicians in the country to see the live refuelling of Electra Commercial Vehicles’ 19-tonne hydrogen fuel cell temperature-controlled HGV at Teesside on…

Biffa cuts fuel bills by specifying different axle ratios

Research by Allison Transmission has revealed that many commercial vehicle fleets could cut their fuel consumption by requesting different axle ratios to those routinely offered on new vehicles. This simple change to a truck’s specification costs nothing yet can significantly reduce running costs and carbon emissions. Savings will likely be most significant on duty cycles with frequent stop-starts around town or on minor rural roads.

Raising driving standards

The implementation of CMS SupaTrak’s telematics solutions has helped Ubico reduce its carbon emissions, lower its fuel bills, and assist drivers in adopting a safer style of driving.