Southampton City Council has received the first of four all-electric eSwingo compact sweepers from Aebi Schmidt UK to help meet its environmental objectives under its Green City Plan 2030.
Author: Ann Marie Knegt
JCB Hydradig delivers test data for Big Yellow Robots project
A JCB Hydradig wheeled excavator is playing a key role in supporting a £72m Government-backed project to transform UK construction through digitally-enabled modern methods of construction. The machine is working within the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry, as part…
Hydrogen fuel cell electric ambulance expected to reach London roads by autumn
ULEMCo, the UK hydrogen fuel specialist, and its partners have delivered the first significant milestone to creating the future’s zero-emission ambulance.
UK Fuels parent Radius launches new range of electric vehicle charge points
Radius Payment Solutions has launched a new range of products specifically aimed at businesses and fleet operators looking to transition to electric or hybrid vehicles.
Show your best – have your content published in Fleet Vision International
What is coming up in Fleet Vision International’s Spring 2021 edition. We offer you the chance to get featured in front of 8,000 senior decision-makers in front-line fleet operations and essential services.
Copy deadline March 12 So, what is coming up, and how can you contribute? Contact the Editor Ann-Marie Knegt (07888692339) to discuss editorial or if you have a topic that is not on the list, but which will be of interest to our readership. The editor will consider publication based on merit to the readers. |
Leadership special – Breaking down barriers to entry
Improving the diversity and inclusivity of the fleet industry is essential if the sector is to remain innovative and dynamic as we move into the next decade, Nathan Wilson from Allison Transmission tells Fleet Vision International. Words by Ann-Marie Knegt.
Leadership special – Diversity for profitability
Covid-19 has accelerated the diversification of the transport sector and this can deliver benefits at every level of business, writes Grahame Neagus from Renault Trucks UK.
Leadership special – Academy strategy for attracting new talent
The Fife Council Waste Academy aims to bridge the gap in recruitment and provide employment opportunities for clients with known barriers to employment, writes Sandy Anderson, Service Manager − Waste Operations at Fife Council.
Clearing the air in Nottingham
Poor air quality accounts for up to 36,000 deaths each year in the UK. Around 400 of these deaths are in Nottingham. Matt Ralfe from Nottingham City Council, tells FVI how the council has put air quality and sustainability at the heart of its agenda and transformed its fleet in just four years.
Vision Zero New York City
In January 2014, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a significant Vision Zero initiative for New York City with ambitious street re-design goals, new bike lanes, improved traffic rules, and better enforcement. Six years on, what does a Vision Zero NYC Fleet look like?