HVS secures Greenly’s Gold Medal, ranking it in the top 5% for global climate leadership

Greenly, a global leader in digital carbon footprint analysis and corporate climate performance evaluation, has awarded hydrogen truck manufacturer HVS the prestigious Gold Medal. This recognition places HVS among the top 5% of companies worldwide for a proactive and innovative approach to climate action and environmental responsibility. 

The Gold Medal represents the culmination of HVS’ year-long commitment to sustainability, during which it has reached several groundbreaking milestones. Last year, HVS proudly received the Silver Medal, putting it in the top 10% of businesses that actively address their carbon footprint. In the past year alone, HVS celebrated the first trailer pull of their hydrogen fuel cell truck on the test track. Its commitment to sustainability didn’t end on the test track; it extended across the entire operation. This year, HVS measured more emissions, committed to more action, and educated more employees on the importance of environmental stewardship.

Greenly’s rigorous assessment process evaluates a company’s greenhouse gas emissions, climate strategy, and environmental initiatives across three key areas: Scope One (direct emissions), Scope Two (indirect emissions from energy use), and Scope Three (indirect emissions throughout the value chain). This comprehensive evaluation ensured that HVS met and exceeded international climate goals, aligning its efforts with the Paris Agreement’s targets.

‘The Gold Medal is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and innovative spirit of the HVS team. It underscores our belief that you cannot control what you don’t measure – carbon accounting is a crucial part of our sustainability strategy. By setting clear, quantifiable action plans, we’ve reduced our emissions and created a foundation for continuous improvement,’ commented Jawad Khursheed, Chief Executive Officer for HVS.

‘Carbon accounting has provided us with the data and insights to drive our decarbonisation strategy. Winning the Gold Medal is an incredible achievement, and I’m immensely proud of our team’s commitment to sustainability. But we won’t stop here—we’re already looking ahead to new challenges and greater achievements.”

Kathryn Charman, Head of Supply Chain and Sustainability, HVS.

HVS is dedicated to developing sustainable transport technology solutions to help fleet operators decarbonise the commercial vehicle sector. As a new OEM, its focus is not only on creating innovative product lines that positively impact the planet but also on embedding sustainability into every aspect of their operations.

‘We congratulate HVS on its successful efforts to decarbonise the transport industry. As demonstrated by their exemplary approach, sustainability is not a one-time operation, but a series of small, cumulative actions building towards a greener future. We look forward to accompanying them in their future initiatives towards greater sustainability, ‘ said Alexis Normand, CEO of Greenly.